Валентин Сичкар

PhD student


few words about me

An engineer in Control Systems and Robotics, PhD student, working on Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Autonomous Vehicles. Python, C#, HTML, YOLO, CNNs.

CIFAR-10 Image Classification

Image Classification online with Convolutional Neural Networks and CIFAR-10 dataset. It is possible to upload image or to choose random image from test dataset.

Upload Image

or choose random image from test dataset

1454 runs

Image Classification

  • Classification Model

    Model #1 is built on pure 'numpy' and reached 0.68 Validation Accuracy.
    Description of implementation with pure 'numpy' is available on GitHub here
    Code implementation is available on Kaggle here

    Model #1 has following architecture:
    Conv -> ReLU -> Pooling -> Affine -> ReLU -> Affine -> Softmax

    Architecture for Model 1

    Initial Parameters Description
    Weights Initialization HE Normal
    Weights Update Policy Adam
    Activation Function ReLU
    Regularization L2
    Pooling Max
    Loss Function Cross-entropy, Softmax

    Hyperparameters Description
    Filters for ConvNet Layer 32
    Size of the Filters height=width=7
    Params for ConvNet Layer stride=1, pad=3
    Params for Pooling Layer stride=2, height=width=2
    Dimension of Hidden Affine Layer 500 neurons
    Regularization 1e-3

    Feeding of Model #1 with Training Images is shown on the figure below:

    Training process of Model #1 with 50 000 iterations is shown on the figure below:

    Initialized Filters and Trained Filters for ConvNet Layer is shown on the figure below:

    Training process of Filters for ConvNet Layer is shown on the figure below: